The struggle to obtain employment is very real. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube isn’t just filled with cute animal videos and political rants. Many creators offer valuable advice, including how to navigate the workforce during a struggling economy. The one below gives tips that many job seekers should be aware of to stand out from the crowd and make it past the Applicant Tracking System filters.

In the coming weeks and months, employment will become a major focus of this news site. We will be posting a weekly (hopefully, twice a week if the idea takes off) Baltimore County open jobs list. During recent times, job sites like Indeed and Zip Recruiter have been littered with “ghost jobs”. Many of which are just unscrupulous data harvesting operations, aimed at stealing people’s identities.

Baltimore County Informer’s aim will be to post high quality listings from real local businesses with direct links to their career pages. Why? It’s just another way to provide a much needed community service and to get the word out about this news site’s existence.

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