An undercover investigation by independent news commentator Steven Crowder has revealed that New York City’s Senior Public Health Advisor Dr. Jay Varma admitted to engaging in swinger-style sex and drug parties in August of 2020. While the “city that never sleeps” was still mostly locked down with social distancing and masking edicts in place, one of its major healthcare players–a Harvard University graduate and former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) employee–was getting cheap thrills.

Varma’s Wikipedia biography states that:
“In that role, Varma helped lead New York City’s COVID-19 pandemic response, including diagnostic testing, contact tracing and the phased re-opening of businesses. He was the architect of the NYC plans for public schools during the COVID-19 crisis.”

In the video, it’s revealed that he was also instrumental in pushing for the controversial vaccine mandate in New York City. NYC was used as a public health emergency model, nationwide.

Baltimore County’s Director of Health and Human Services Dr. Gregory Branch, himself a New York City native, was also involved in a scandal earlier this year that lead to his termination. Dr. Anthony Fauci and former Mayor Bill de Blasio were not available for comment at press time. This article will be updated. If YouTube censors the video, it will be re-linked.

Update: Here is the confrontation video between Dr. Varma and Crowder:

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